Men of faith rise up and sing DG
Of the great and glorious King DG
You are strong when you feel weak DG
In your brokeness complete
/: Shout to the North and the South GCD
Sing to the East and the West GCD
Jesus is saviour to all AmDG
Lord of heaven and earth :/
Rise up women of the truth DG
Stand and sing to broken hearts DG
Who can know the healing power DG
Of our awesome King of love
We've been through fire we've been through rain G C Em
We've been refined by the power of his name GCEm
We've fallen deeper in love with you GD
You've burned the truth on our lips
Rise up church with broken wings DG
Fill this place with songs again DG
Of our God who reigns on high DG
By His grace again we'll fly
Matei 5:11Ferice va fi de voi când, din pricina Mea, oamenii vă vor ocărî, vă vor prigoni şi vor spune tot felul de lucruri rele şi neadevărate împotriva voastră!